Quality, not quantity

Finding the right therapist can be complicated these days. After sorting through your insurance plans, calling sixty-five people just to figure out if you qualify for low-cost therapy, its not enough to just find a decent therapist.

No, you deserve a therapist that actually gets you; understands your needs, concerns, the world you live in, and why you are hurting right now.

It is my goal to be that therapist for you. I show up, I bring my full self into the room, I keep the space safe for you, and most importantly, I keep it authentic.

Therapy is the last place where you should be wondering if "what I have on," is appropriate, or if my therapist speaks my language. It should be a safe haven, where no matter where you are in the day, when you think of that soft place to land...you think of therapy.

Ashe, Bonjour, Hello....

My name is Dr. Lanique Ruffin, PsyD and I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over ten years of training and experience in the mental health field. I specialize in the following concerns:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Cultural Competency

  • Wellness Lifestyle Changes

  • Relationship Concerns

  • Racial Trauma

  • Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

for folxs ages 21-65, living in the State of California.

Our work together will include personal development, ancient and modern holistic healing methods, as well as evidence-based treatment to help you effectively regain control of your life.

My methods allow me to meet you exactly where you are in your own healing journey and inspire you to continue your process in a safe and authentic way.

Life only gets better when you choose to create one for yourself. So, let's create...together.

Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.